Clover Lane Library's Computer Policy

Clover Lane Library's Computer Policy

Clover Lane Library has developed a strong policy on the acceptable usage of computers and internet use, so that we can continue providing a service that is safe and lawful for our community. We aim to provide our two-hour free computer access so that our patrons may research, study and reference when possible.

5 key points that we would like our patrons to know and understand are as below.

1) Library users are not permitted to consume food or drinks at the computer station.

      2) The library requests patrons follow copyright and licensing agreements for legal purposes.

    3) Patrons are not permitted to look up inappropriate content and doing so can lead to being banned from Clover Lane library. Inappropriate material ranges from pornographic, indecent, abusive or otherwise illegal content.

    4) Guardian supervision is required for any persons under the age of 16. Please see your memberships duty of care policy for further information.

    5) Patrons must not remove or modify any software or hardware that is the possession of Clover Lane Library. Information may be saved on patron’s storage devices but clover lane library is not responsible for any malware or viruses this might transfer.
